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Tip: Require the overview of the evaluation plan include:
- an overview of qualifications of the evaluation team including their experience and expertise in:
- evaluation;
- the content area(s) covered in the proposal; and
- working with the populations targeted in the proposal.
- the percent of time each senior member of the evaluation team will spend on the evaluation.
Tip: Include links to several easy to use evaluation resources in the RFP/GA and encourage proposed investigators and evaluators to review them and apply them as appropriate. Sample resources could include:
Tip: In the section of the proposal “Results from Prior Support” require a summary of the results from previous projects, written by the evaluation teams who evaluated each project.
Tip: Include a slide, using text like the sample below, about evaluation requirements in proposal solicitation webinars.
Slide Text: Evaluation Plan Components Required of All Proposals
- The specification of an external evaluator or evaluation team along with their qualifications including:
- expertise in evaluation;
- expertise in the content areas covered by the project;
- experience working with the target populations; and
- the amount of time senior members of the team will spend on the evaluation.
- Evaluation questions and an evaluation design linked to the goals and outcomes of the project.
- Reliable procedures for collecting and analyzing data to determine:
- what works;
- for whom it works; and
- the context in which it works for different groups.2
Rationale: Including specific requirements for an overview of an evaluation plan in the RFP/GA and in proposal solicitation webinars gives the evaluator guidance and provides the proposed investigators with criteria to use to assess the proposed evaluation plan before the proposal is submitted. Changes to improve the evaluation plan can then be made in advance of submission. Requiring a summary of the evaluation results of investigators' previously funded projects, written by their evaluators, helps everyone understand that the funder values evaluation.
Being specific about areas in which evaluators need expertise guides potential investigators in their selection of an evaluation team and signals proposal reviewers that the presence or absence of these skills should be considered in the proposal's review. Knowledge of the cultures of science is as important to doing a quality evaluation of STEM projects/programs as are evaluation skills, knowledge, and expertise. Evaluators with experience working with the target population of the proposal are less apt to miss nuances and misread context.
Being specific about areas in which evaluators need expertise guides potential investigators in their selection of an evaluation team and signals proposal reviewers that the presence or absence of these skills should be considered in the proposal's review. Knowledge of the cultures of science is as important to doing a quality evaluation of STEM projects/programs as are evaluation skills, knowledge, and expertise. Evaluators with experience working with the target population of the proposal are less apt to miss nuances and misread context.
1 Adapted from http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10593/nsf10593.htm
2 Adapted from http://hub.mspnet.org/media/data/102312Webinar.pdf?media_000000007874.pdf